Home and Away

Home and Away


Home and Away follows the lives and loves of the residents in Summer Bay, a fictional seaside town of New South Wales. The series initially focuses on the Fletcher family – Tom, Pippa and their five foster children, Frank Morgan, Carly Morris, Lynn Davenport, Steven Matheson and Sally Fletcher – who relocated from the city and moved into the Summer Bay House, where they took on the new job of running the caravan park, and eventually took in a sixth foster child, Bobby Simpson.


  • Status: Em exibição
  • Gênero: Drama
  • Estréia: 17/01/1988
  • Próximo Episódio: 13/01/2025
  • Emissora: AU Seven Network


mostrar episódios ainda não transmitidos
  • 1 - Episode 1 Exibido em 17/01/1988
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