The ABC Comedy Hour

The ABC Comedy Hour


The ABC Comedy Hour was an American television variety series that aired on ABC in 1972. Seven of the 13 episodes featured a guest host and a team of comedy impressionists known as The Kopykats (Rich Little, Frank Gorshin, Joe Baker, Marilyn Michaels, George Kirby, and Fred Travalena, with single appearances by Charlie Callas, Will Jordan, and Peter Goodwright). Guest hosts included Steve Lawrence, Orson Welles, Ed Sullivan, Raymond Burr, Robert Young, Debbie Reynolds and Tony Curtis.


  • Status: Finalizada
  • Gênero: Comédia
  • Estréia: 17/01/1972
  • Fim: 05/04/1972
  • Emissora: US ABC
  • Duração do Episódio: 60 minutos


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