Bluegrass Underground is a musical adventure series presented by PBS affiliate WCTE that airs across the US on PBS stations. The series shines a light on purveyors of musical authenticity in a space unlike any other on (or under) earth. Bluegrass Underground celebrates the diversity of America's musical heritage with artists from the full spectrum of genre's: Bluegrass, yes but also Americana, Country, Soul, Blues, Rock N Roll, Gospel, Folk, and everything between. Bluegrass Underground emanates from the Volcano Room, a subterranean amphitheater 333 feet below McMinnville, Tennessee at historic Cumberland Caverns. The acoustic properties of the Volcano Room are singular. Audio engineers are amazed at the natural acoustics and world renowned lightning artist Allen Branton uses the space to paint light upon the primordial darkness found inside this cave. Music and light entwine in this series which celebrates the natural beauty and musical culture that is uniquely American. Discover the full spectrum of Americana and Roots music at Bluegrass Underground.