GO is created by Bob Stewart, and is a spin off of his Chain Reaction game show. In Chain Reaction, the two teams (including panellists) had to complete the words that have things in common with each other. The bonus round is timed, with people taking turns one word at a time, finishing the sentence, ringing the bell, until the other team member got all the questions answered correctly. This bonus round is Go's regular rounds. Go created a new bonus round where one team member is surrounded by all of them. After each correct answer, one team member sits out until there is one other team member left (and can ask the question without interruption). If there is time left, the other team members slowly return. Johnny Gilbert returned to announce GO. However, it was hosted by Kevin O'Connell. You ought to be able to remember this game show. The title is short, and all over the stage, at least 27 times. The textured patterns you see on the letters are chains, to celebrate its Chain Reaction heritage.