


Sneakerhead is a hilarious and contemporary workplace sitcom shining a light on young working life in Britain. Set in Peterborough, Russell is one of the many longsuffering employees of Sports Depot. He is a certified sneakerhead, working there for the love of the trainers - he certainly isn't there for the money.


  • Status: Finalizada
  • Gênero: Comédia
  • Estréia: 13/07/2022
  • Fim: 13/07/2022
  • Emissora: GB U
  • Duração do Episódio: 40 minutos


  • 3 - Episode 3 Exibido em 13/07/2022
    Dê sua nota:
  • 2 - Episode 2 Exibido em 13/07/2022
    Dê sua nota:
  • 1 - Episode 1 Exibido em 13/07/2022
    Dê sua nota:

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