The story centers around the Chivu and Predescu families. Unemployed and divorced Dan Chivu lives with his 17-year-old son, Oaki and his older brother, 40-year-old bachelor Valentin (Vali). Ambassador Predescu lives in a grand villa with his daughter Irina, 17-year-old granddaughter Simona and Anton Valet. Dan commits himself to the Predescu villa as a nurse! This is where the complications arise, because Dan has taken on a new identity, Mrs. Dana. Predescu does not support it and puts the nickname "Monkey with earrings". Oaki likes Simona, but she does not dare to reveal her feelings. Simona is together with Robert (the school basketball player) who is also wanted by Mădălina (Mădă), Simona's best friend. In the second season, things get complicated, because Dana is asked to marry Predescu and reveals her true identity. Predescu goes into a coma because of the shock, but he wakes up after a long time (in which Dan was worried that Predescu would never wake up again and that it might be his fault. sued him) with amnesia. Meanwhile, Oaki and Simona fall in love, but their love affair does not last long, due to a country girl, Maria, who falls in love with Oaki ... Simona desperately tries to give Robert's slippers to be his girlfriend to Oaki. It only succeeds when it is too late (Oaki and Maria being a couple), and Robert forms a relationship with Mădă. Also, Dan is forced to take on a third identity, the psychologist Tomescu, who makes daily meetings with the Predescu family. Other important characters would be Bobo, Oaki's childhood friend who despite his weight, always remembers that he would have friends and the director of the high school, nicknamed by children, Cruela. Bobo was the first to meet Maria (of course telling her friends about her as a girlfriend), having feelings for her. After failing with Maria, Bobo tries his luck with the most desirable girl in high school ... Simona. Cruel instead does not play much in the first season, it is only an obstacle in the execution of minor plans. In the second part, however, becoming Vali's girlfriend, she has a much bigger role. In the middle of the second season Eva appears, the lost and found daughter of Ambassador Predescu.