¡Despierta América! (Wake Up America!) is an American Spanish language morning television show airing on Univision. Debuting on April 14, 1997, the program's primarily targets the Hispanic population in the United States. It is broadcast from the network's studios in Miami, Florida, and is currently hosted by Karla Martínez, Johnny Lozada, Alan Tacher, Ana Patricia González, Lourdes Ramos, Ximena Córdoba, Lourdes Stephan and Alejandro Chabán. Other reporters or celebrities also provide entertainment and gossip segments, and will occasionally appear as guest hosts if one of the regular hosts is unavailable (for instance, actress Angélica Vale has appeared frequently during the show's run). The show also features contributors that cover a variety of topics such as immigration, technology, diet, exercise and personal motivation. Among the permanent and occasional contributors of the show are Dr. Mario Lovo (immigration), Ariel Coro (technology), Claudia Molina (exercise), Alejandro Chabán (weight loss), Ismael Cala, María Marín and Alberto Sardiñas (motivation), among many others.
The program airs weekdays from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time; as Univision holds complete responsibility for its affiliates' programming, the network does not tape delay ¡Despierta América! individually by U.S. time zone (only running a delayed broadcast for the network's Pacific Time feed). Although similar in format to English language competitors Good Morning America and Today, ¡Despierta América! maintains more of a focus on interviews, and entertainment and feature stories; news headlines are generally limited to a segment that airs each half-hour, and national weather segments only appear once an hour during the first three hours of the broadcast (compared to the half-hourly weather updates that appear on other national morning news programs).