In the year 2050, the BioBarn (half TV Studio/ half Planet Protector HQ), is abuzz with activity. Using their time-twister portal, hosts Potato, Frittata, and Rocket Pants present a live-streamed show from the future to engage kids in 2023. This monthly event, known as The Future Chicken Today Show, is a dynamic ECO-TAINMENT series featuring lively interviews with notable guests who provide inspiring yet honest perspectives on the global environment. Cutting-edge technology allows for interviews conducted by the world's FIRST animated chicken host.
Tune in 'live' from 2050 as our hosts showcase a new video game, celebrate ‘Chicken Appreciation Day', and interview guests from the 2020s who 'time-twist' to the studio to offer solutions, share planet-protecting advice, and join the fun. The show introduces wildlife conservationists, gaming influencers, climate scientists, eco-activists, and more, fostering inspiration and humor to empower kids with a positive outlook on the future. The Future Chicken Today Show represents a groundbreaking era in live streaming!