Ярче звёзд

Ярче звёзд


The new musical reincarnation show "Brighter than the Stars" will bring together the most talented vocalists, skilled parodists and born artists on one stage. All of them will transform into their favorite performers, and the one who does it more convincingly than the others will receive an impressive cash prize and, of course, All-Russian fame and recognition of pop stars.</p><p>Four teams will compete against each other in each edition of the show. There are three participants in each of them. Together, they will have to show different images of the same performer, demonstrating all facets of talent: both their own and their idol. The team that copes with this task better than the others will receive a cash prize, as well as the opportunity to participate in the superfinal.


  • Status: Em exibição
  • Gênero: Musical
  • Estréia: 07/10/2023
  • Próximo Episódio: Indefinido
  • Emissora: RU ТНТ
  • Duração do Episódio: 120 minutos


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