


A great quiz show hosted by the stand-up comedian Björn Bragi Arnarsson, where well-known Icelanders compete on behalf of the sports clubs they support. Although the teams are divided according to sports clubs, it is not a sports event, but questions from all directions. Competitors are not athletes, it is enough that they grew up in the district of the sports club or practiced sports with the club in their younger years. The teams that win their matches continue to play until one team stands out as the winner and becomes the Icelandic Champion in the Kviss quiz 2020.


  • Status: Em exibição
  • Estréia: 05/09/2020
  • Próximo Episódio: Indefinido
  • Emissora: IS Stöð 2
  • Duração do Episódio: 60 minutos


Sobre a Série

Este episódio de Kviss ainda não tem nenhuma informação de elenco disponível.