Ninis is a comedy series about five twentysomethings and their attempts to get ahead in a race against the clock towards adulthood. The story tells of the misfortunes of Morales, Rebeca, Rodri, Vale and Chesca, a group of friends who try to live well but look for the easiest way to achieve it. Although they are all professionals, none have managed to leave the glass bubble in which their overprotective parents placed them to fend for themselves. But the need to earn money to pay the rent will lead them to face situations that are as comical as they are cheeky: start failed businesses, live as freelancers or finish their thesis, while they fall in love and deal with real personal relationships. Although their reality is sad and somewhat pathetic, the "Ninis" try to project a relatively normal and happy life on their social networks. Always attentive to fashion and internet trends, watching their lives go by through the screens of their mobile devices in the tireless search for likes.