


Voetbalouders is a comedy series that revolves around a group of overbearing parents who shamelessly meddle in their children's amateur football careers. We are introduced to this world through Lillian and her son Levi, who is new to the team. Lillian quickly realizes she wants to escape from this quirky group of parents, especially from Marenka, who is the last person you want to deal with on a Saturday morning. However, Levi wants to stay and even forms a friendship with Vito, the most eccentric kid of all, who happens to be Marenka's son.


  • Status: Em desenvolvimento
  • Gênero: Comédia, Esporte
  • Estréia: Indefinida
  • Próximo Episódio: Indefinido
  • Emissora: US Netflix


Esta série ainda não tem nenhum episódio disponível.

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