Jensen kiest voor Amerika

Jensen kiest voor Amerika


A reportage of Robert Jensen exploring for the real United States of America during the US elections. During his trip through the USA, he will interview a number of journalists with an opinion, celebrities, online opinion makers, comedians, war veterans, artists, desperate housewives and ordinary citizens on the streets. This huge variety will cause an enjoyable mix of interviews, special portraits, raw human interest, comedic situations and interesting analysis.


  • Status: Finalizada
  • Estréia: 20/10/2016
  • Fim: 03/11/2016
  • Emissora: NL RTL5
  • Duração do Episódio: 60 minutos


  • 3 - Episode 3 Exibido em 03/11/2016
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  • 2 - Episode 2 Exibido em 27/10/2016
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  • 1 - Episode 1 Exibido em 20/10/2016
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