Love Divided by Eleven

Love Divided by Eleven


A woman, struggling to get over the death of her fiancé, finds comfort in seeking out the recipients of his organs, triggering a tangled chain of connection.

After Ash, a doctor, is attacked by an ice addict, his fiancée Lillian turns off his life support. Months later, Lillian is still reeling in the aftermath of her fiancée's death when she receives a letter from a man crushed by a motorbike, thanking her for his new heart. Suddenly, Lillian feels better. And she wants more of that feeling. She wants to know more about the people that were able to live.


  • Status: Em desenvolvimento
  • Estréia: Indefinida
  • Próximo Episódio: Indefinido
  • Emissora: AU Stan


Esta série ainda não tem nenhum episódio disponível.

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