The Parents are Natalie (Anne Dorval), Louis-Paul (Daniel Brière) and the three boys they had together: Thomas, 14 years old (Joey Scarpellino), Olivier, 12 years old (Raphaël Grenier-Benoît) and Zacharie, 8 years old (Louis-Philippe Beauchamp). Every week, we are invited into their world teeming with life, going through the whole range of feelings, oscillating between cuddles and storms. In this family chronicle, the Parent parents want to face any eventuality. But what can you say to an English teacher on the verge of burnout convinced that your child is the reincarnation of Hitler himself; how to defuse the situation when the tone rises at dinner because the older ones are teaching the younger one the "art" of speaking while burping; how to manage the discovery of the Queen of Sex website and all the others that the filter, infallible in theory, has missed; how to get three real guys to help with household chores; how to cope with spring break and a thousand and one other evocative situations that will make you smile, sometimes with a certain gnashing of teeth.