Bottersnikes & Gumbles is the award-winning CGI animated series based on the much-loved 1970s classic children's books by Australian author S.A. Wakefield and illustrated by Desmond Digby.
In a far away forgotten valley of abandoned junk, a timeless battle rages between good and evil… between squashy and scaly, happy and grumpy, clever and wily… handsome and plain old ugly. This is the land of Bottersnikes & Gumbles. Using stealth, trickery, daring rescues and narrow escapes, the heroic Gumbles try to outwit the evil Bottersnikes in every episode.
Full of comraderie and anarchy, Bottersnikes & Gumbles will delight and entertain kids with rough-and-tumble action and adventure, and includes Harry Potter stars Miriam Margolyes and Jeff Rawle in its cast.