The series follows the story of Gu Jiuli, an AI engineer, and Hao Liang, a graduate in early childhood education with a dual identity. They grow and achieve their dreams together through their interactions. Gu Jiuli (played by Zhang Yunlong) establishes a company called Jiuyuan Technology, dedicated to developing companion robots, influenced by his childhood experiences. Hao Liang (played by Song Yiren), a senior student majoring in early childhood education, has a passion for singing. However, due to her mother's disapproval and desire for her to find a stable job, she secretly becomes a live-streaming singer at night while interning and working at Jiuli's company during the day. Under these two different identities, Hao Liang displays distinct personalities, but Jiuli fails to recognize that the two individuals with different personalities are actually the same person, leading to a series of comical situations.