In this riveting story, ambition, revenge, and the criminal world intertwine to conspire against Mariana Andrade, a young and successful businesswoman who discovers that her husband is having an affair with her cousin Sara. Sara is a beautiful and dangerous woman bound to the drug trafficking mafia; capable of anything, including murder, in order to get what wants.
When Mariana discovers the terrible truth, she leaves her house only to meet face to face with a woman who has been sent to kill her. After an attempt on her life and a car accident that leaves her disfigured, Mariana is rescued by a scientist who unwittingly reconstructs her face in the wrong image. Unable to remember anything from her past, and now with the face of Analía, the woman who tried to kill her, Mariana is forced to confront the dark and dangerous past of her "murderer." From this moment, she will live a double life that unleashes a battle between love and her desire for revenge.