The Green River Killer

The Green River Killer


He's a polite neighbor and unassuming friendly family man. When he's not working at the local truck painting factory he enjoys church, garage sales and taking his son camping. No one suspects that this mild mannered individual is the psychopathic madman murdering dozens of women across King County in Washington State. In The Green River Killer the ghastly depravity of Gary Ridgway's crimes come into focus as investigators recount their personal experiences working the case. After 20 years with no arrests, dozens of unsolved murders, an investigation costing more $2 million that involved more than 10,000 pieces of evidence and outrage from victims' families and rights groups investigators faced a daunting challenge. In fresh interviews former Green River Killer task force detectives Tom Jensen and Matt Haney reveal the complex and time consuming process of sorting through the deluge of leads, their methodology for tracking down the killer, clearing suspects and the remarkable breakthrough in the case thanks to revolutionary DNA testing.


  • Status: Finalizada
  • Gênero: Crime
  • Estréia: 27/03/2021
  • Fim: 28/03/2021
  • Emissora: US REELZ
  • Duração do Episódio: 120 minutos


Sobre a Série

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