Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san, also known as Princess Comet, is a Japanese TV Drama and manga series created and illustrated by Mitsuteru Yokoyama, the creator of Tetsujin 28-go and Giant Robo. The TV drama tells the story of Comet, one of the princesses of the Triangle Nebula who came to Earth in search for the missing prince. The Manga is first serialized in Shueisha's monthly Margaret magazine from July to November 1967, marking as one of Japan's first Magical Girl series produced. The story revolves around Princess Comet, a twelve-year-old girl who is also the princess of the Harmonica Star country of the Triangle Nebula. She was meant to meet the prince of the Tambourine Star country at a ball, but the prince ran away to Earth instead. As it turned out, Comet is sent to Earth to find him, though she has no idea what he looks like. "He will be known by the twinkling in his eyes" is the only clue she was given to the prince's identity. Once she travels to Earth, Comet falls in love with the people she meets there as well as the planet itself, quickly becoming attached to life on Earth. Meanwhile, Princess Meteor learns of Comet's plans to find the prince and to marry him and she arrive on Earth in search of the prince as well, planning to marry him before Comet gets the chance.
Both princesses are sent to Earth along with a companion. Comet's companion is a little puppy with a star at the end of his tail named Rubba Ball. Meteor's companion is a round, purple bird named Mook. Unbeknownst to Comet, her Aunt Spica also lives on Earth and had visited Earth before, deciding to stay there and get married herself. Aunt Spica's pet is Rabapyon a white rabbit with a tiny heart on her tail. The main plot is Comet's tale about her journey to Earth, the people she meets, and her journey to find the prince. The series is set in Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan.