Экстрасенсы. Реванш

Экстрасенсы. Реванш


In the show "Ekstrasensi. Revansh" participants and finalists of the "Bitva Ekstrasensov" will complete tasks here and now, demonstrating their abilities. And the jury members - the strongest psychics and presenters - will give their verdicts on their work. Each of the participants in the new project at one time had every chance to win, but the audience and the presenters decided otherwise. Victory in the project "Ekstrasensi. Revansh" gives not only the status of the winner, but also automatic entry into the next season of the project "Ekstrasensy. Bitva Sil'neishih" The second place gives you the opportunity to get into the new season of "Bitva Ekstrasensov" without casting.


  • Status: Em exibição
  • Estréia: 13/01/2024
  • Próximo Episódio: Indefinido
  • Emissora: RU ТНТ
  • Duração do Episódio: 150 minutos


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