In 2011, Boorman presented a prime-time adventure series for the UK's Channel 5, Charley Boorman's Extreme Frontiers. This show was another collaboration between Boorman and producer-director Russ Malkin, who made frequent on-screen appearances. Rather than a journey, Extreme Frontiers aimed to 'take in all four extremities of Canada'.
In 2012, Boorman continued the series in a South African setting. From 9 June to 22 July 2012, Boorman and his team journeyed around South Africa on two BMW R1200GS motorcycles and a Nissan Pathfinder.
Charley and the boys returned on Channel 5 at the end of 2013 for their USA adventure. Starting in Hawaii, Charlie moves to Alaska, then to the Eastern seaboard and down to the Southern states, inland to the Gulf of Mexico, up again to the Rockies and finishing on the Pacific Coast at Los Angeles.