Produced by Ruxandra Ion and Dream Film Production, the series Lia - my husband's wife premiered on January 12, at 8:30 p.m., on Antena 1. The production that will be broadcast every Thursday on Antena 1 is a loose adaptation of the Turkish drama Asla Vazgeçmem - Never let go, the adaptation being signed by Radu Grigore, Bianca Mina and Ruxandra Ion.
The series that can be watched starting from January 12, every Thursday, from 20:30, on Antena 1, will bring to the fore a unique love story, but tested by betrayals and lies. In an attempt to triumph, true love will encounter a lot of obstacles and dangers this time as well. Will the power of destiny be enough for a happy ending? The story of the series Lia will keep the fans, who can watch the episodes both on TV and online, including on AntenaPlay, with each episode.