A new iteration of the classic variety show Kids Say the Darndest Things, hosted by Tiffany Haddish. The hilarious reimagined format showcases a mix of in-studio segments and taped pieces from across the country, all set in front of a live studio audience. The series will capture Haddish's unique voice and sensibility as she interacts with real kids - and their innocently entertaining points of view. Each episode highlights the comedic perspectives of a diverse group of kids in segments, such as "Kids Rule," in which kids explain to Tiffany the rules for everything from sportsmanship to dating; "Love Talk," where Tiffany seeks advice on her love life; "Best Carpool Ever," with Tiffany taking on carpool duty with a minivan full of kids; "Granny Tiff," when Tiffany, in prosthetics and dressed up as an older woman, receives technology advice from the kids; and more.