Kath & Kim

Kath & Kim


Based on the hit Australian comedy series of the same name, Kath & Kim follows the daily lives of Kath, a forty-something divorcee, and Kim, her self-centered daughter. Together they get through the ups and downs of life with a dysfunctional relationship that only and mother and daughter could have.


  • Status: Finalizada
  • Gênero: Comédia
  • Estréia: 09/10/2008
  • Fim: 12/03/2009
  • Emissora: US NBC
  • Duração do Episódio: 30 minutos


  • 17 - Home Exibido em 12/03/2009
    Dê sua nota:
  • 16 - Bachelorette Exibido em 05/03/2009
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  • 15 - Desire Exibido em 26/02/2009
    Dê sua nota:
  • 14 - Competition Exibido em 19/02/2009
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  • 13 - Celebrity Exibido em 12/02/2009
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  • 12 - Idols Exibido em 05/02/2009
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  • 11 - News Exibido em 22/01/2009
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  • 10 - Florida Exibido em 08/01/2009
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  • 9 - Friends Exibido em 11/12/2008
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  • 8 - Sacrifice Exibido em 04/12/2008
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  • 7 - Gay Exibido em 20/11/2008
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  • 6 - Jealousy Exibido em 13/11/2008
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  • 5 - Dating Exibido em 06/11/2008
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  • 4 - Money Exibido em 30/10/2008
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  • 3 - Old Exibido em 23/10/2008
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  • 2 - Respect Exibido em 16/10/2008
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  • 1 - Love Exibido em 09/10/2008
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