Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness S01E11 - Sight for Sore Eyes

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness


Two Kung Fu masters named Master Chao and Master Junjie visit the Jade Palace to check up on Shifu. But when Master Junjie encourages Po to take a peek at their sparring, which is only for the presence of the three masters, it causes the downfall of Shifu and the Furious Five, and Master Junjie replaces the Furious Five members and Po with a team of Kung Fu snow leopards. When his friends turn their backs on him, Po decides to set things right and find out Junjie's plans.

Villains: Junjie and Junjie's Furious Five


  • Status: Transmitido
  • Data de Exibição: 27/11/2011
  • Duração do Episódio: 30 minutos
  • Emissora: GB Nicktoons

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  • Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness S01E11 Sight For Sore Eyes 720p HDTV x264 Legenda enviada em 19/12/2011 às 19:57 por LegendasEmSerie
  • Kung.Fu.Panda.Legends.of.Awesomeness.S01E11-P2P Legenda enviada em 02/12/2011 às 08:56 por AARAO_REIS