Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Kayleigh Davies are in Cheshire treasure-hunting with Jojo and Belle. Jojo is an education healthcare coordinator and Belle works for a bank. Jojo has perfected the art of skip-diving and upcycling her finds. Some of the items Jojo rescues she gives away, some she sells, and lots she keeps in a barn near their home. Belle can't wait to have a proper clear-out and see the contents of the barn go to good use. There's no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Kayleigh to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found among Jojo's skip rescues? Will it really be a case of one person's trash being another person's treasure? Just as Jojo donates many of the things she upcycles, so she and Belle would like to use any money they raise at auction to help their local community. They hope to make a donation to their local food bank, but will they make enough to give back as much as they'd like?