Let's Get a Good Thing Going S01E02 - Barry

Let's Get a Good Thing Going


The seaside town of Barry, south Wales, sees four people pitching their dream projects they believe will make a big improvement in their neighbourhood. Having donated to the community fund, the residents of Barry get together in the town's famous Memorial Hall to hear four very different ventures before choosing the one they support the most. Former Welsh Guardsman Sean wants backing for his idea to help children and parents stay fit and have fun, while green-fingered Nicky wants funds to create a sensory garden. Aoife hates the negative headlines that the litter on the beaches creates for Barry and has a novel approach to keeping the town's beaches litter-free, while teacher and archeologist Karl wants to share the secrets of the ancient Barry medieval ruins that are lying unmarked. The local residents decide who takes home the money and starts their dream project.


  • Status: Transmitido
  • Data de Exibição: 19/12/2017
  • Duração do Episódio: 45 minutos
  • Emissora: GB BBC One

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