Original low mileage vehicles are the holy grail for collectors of most cars – butespecially Fords. Dave is optimistic as he travels to leafy Leicestershire where StevePerry has a pair of them, a 1980 Ford Granada Ghia and a 1981 Ford Cortina. TheCortina, remarkably, has just 9000 miles on the clock. Dave's optimism is well founded when he assesses what he feels are amongst the best examples of this era Fords in thewhole country.
Paul has found a 4 wheeled pearl closer to home - a 1990 Audi Quattro which is lurkingat HQ. The car - which heralded the motor industry's digital computerised age - is inbeautiful condition. It also happens to be alimited edition vehicle signed by Swedishrallying legend Stig Blomqvist.
Derek meanwhile is off on a jaunt to the east coast seaside resort of Bridlington. He'svisiting Peter Marson who runs a vintage emporium in the town. Peter specialises inmotorbikes and scooters. Derek isinterested in a couple of vintage bikes but uncoverssome other treasures too in Peter's packed shop.