Twenty Twelve S01E05 - Cultural Curator

Twenty Twelve


There are only three applicants for the post of Curator of the Cultural Olympiad, so how difficult can it be to select the best candidate? As Ian Fletcher and his team find out, it is almost impossible. As if that wasn't enough, their ultimate boss, Sebastian Coe, has decided that it would be good for the profile of Twenty Twelve if members of the team entered the London Marathon.

As the pressure on Ian as Head of Deliverance gradually increases, the cracks in his marriage are starting to get wider and wider. Could this possibly mean that the secret hopes of his ever-loyal PA Sally might one day move closer to fulfilment?


  • Status: Transmitido
  • Data de Exibição: 11/04/2011
  • Duração do Episódio: 30 minutos
  • Emissora: GB BBC Two

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  • Twenty.Twelve.S01E05 FoV Legenda enviada em 11/04/2011 às 20:58 por AARAO_REIS