In "Funny Valentine," written by Fred Grandy and Bernie Kopell, Julie's friend, Murphy (Ms. Eogar), entertaining on the cruise as a palm reader, not only assures dubious Capt. Stubing that he has a romantic future, but also proceeds to make it come true by falling for him. Gopher's plain neighbor, Sylvia (Ms. Dworkin), is sadly lacking in confidence until Gopher sends her roses anonymously. Meanwhile, an equally shy young man, Monroe (Zane Lasky), is watching jealously, in "The Wallflower," written by Ben Joelson and Art Baer. In "A Home Is Not a Home," written by John V. Hanrahan and Tom Dosenais, Molly and Ned (Ms. Pearl and Godfrey), a lively older couple running off to Mexico to get married, are thwarted by his son, Francis (Berlinger), and her daughter, Rowena (Ms. Donahue, until the younger couple realizes that their parents have much in common.