On April 5, 2018, a new martial arts anime "MEGALOBOX" will begin. This anime is part of a project to celebrate the 50th year anniversary since the beginning of "Ashita No Joe", a serialization that go down in history of Japanese Manga. In the 50th year anniversary project, the manga serialization began ahead of the anime in the march edition of "Shonen magazine Edge". From April 28, an "Ashita No Joe Exhibition" will be held at the TOKYO SKYTREE event venue. All in all, it's a multi-layered endeavor to celebrate the 50th year anniversary "Ashita No Joe". This old house production company that produced the series 2 of "Ashita No Joe" will be calling in Hiroshi Moriyama, a director who has never worked on anime before to produce a fresh and original anime. Be sure to check this episode out as we'll be exploring the appeal of the latest "MEGALOBOX" anime by interviewing of Director Hiroshi Moriyama along with the behind-the-scenes story of its making.