Upon returning to the throne of Virgivald, Sphincterion realized that the threat was not over yet, for Lord Vlaston was gathering forces for a new attack and was already summoning demons capable of destroying the entire kingdom. The heroes, loyal sons of Virgivald, set out on a diplomatic mission to the kingdom of the Wood Elves to forge an alliance against Vlaston. After several days of travel, the heroes have reached the capital of the elven kingdom, the city of Nurikfell. In the main square of the city, King Nurik the Moon-faced comes out to them and accuses Sphincterion of killing Palias. The king says that he has proof and a witness, which means that the entire embassy of Virjinwald will be tried at sundown. The heroes' task is to find irrefutable proof of their innocence, so as not to be killed in the elven court.