Japan's Tokaido Shinkansen, also known as the "bullet train", is a high-speed commuter train that travels more than 500 km between Tokyo and Osaka in less than 2.5 hours. The Shinkansen operates on its own dedicated railway lines at speeds of up to 285 km/hour while carrying upwards of 400,000 passengers on a daily basis. In operation since 1964, the Shinkansen has carried 5.3 billion people without a single passenger fatality.
Given Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone places in the world, the train is equipped with a range of detectors to prevent derailing in the event of seismic activity. Viewers also get a glimpse into the future of SuperConducting Maglev (magnetic levitation) train technology, a new form of rail transportation that Japan is currently testing and developing for deployment in 2027.