This emotional, highly personal film from Rare TV and The Gold Studios, follows British Olympic boxer Nicola Adams and her partner, model Ella Baig as they go through IVF treatment and pregnancy.
The narrative spine of the programme focuses on their journey from IVF to motherhood with key personal moments captured along the way. Following them from their very first scans right up until the birth of their child, the film captures the most intimate moments of the couple's journey.
As they go through the emotional process they meet other people in similar circumstances, and explore the hidden difficulties of IVF treatment, including their own previous harrowing experiences, the prejudice and difficulties faced by same-sex couples wanting to conceive via IVF and the issues around being a mixed-race couple undergoing treatment.
Refreshingly honest and open, Nicola and Ella's journey to make sense of their experience will help to demystify this complicated process, as well as giving a glimpse into the glamorous lives of this hard-working celebrity couple.