Many spiritualists believe that some locations have an unusually high concentration of psychic energy. Beneath the ground we walk on, invisible routes may be infused with the spirits of those who came before us‚ and some routes are still traveled by spirits that have not passed on.
On the surface, Edd and Beth's three-bedroom ranch house seems like the perfect place to raise their toddler‚ but a few weeks after they move in, they discover that they are not alone. Despite their best efforts to remain rational, the couple cannot ignore what they've seen with their own eyes: a transparent man sitting in one of the bedrooms, a misty apparition of an old woman standing in the doorway, and a dark heavy mist that hangs over the house‚ and grows larger, day by day.
The couple turns to a paranormal investigator, who confirms that they are at war with the spirit world. Their new home is a portal, pulsing with enough negative energy to literally explode.