In the school, various rumors fly around, including information on Ayami Ogiwara (Ayami Nakajo) who disappeared. Meanwhile, Saaya Yamamoto (Seika Taketomi) was called on the third day of the interview survey. Ryoko Nishizawa (Mayu Matsuoka) was still filming Saaya, who said, 'Azusa had a bad relationship with her because her parents were strict,' but she collapsed due to anemia. Ryoko and Saaya, who went to her health room, confess that they felt inferior to her perfection of Azusa.
On the other hand, Miyuri Eto (Kurumi Shimizu) heads to her health room worried about Ryoko, but she happens to know her existence in a 'shocking image'. After that, Miyuri's actions led to an awkward air flow to Ryoko, Saaya, Miyuri, and Haruto Muraoka (Ryo Narita). In addition, Ryoko calls Miyuri and Saaya to the amateur radio club this time, and Chisato Okumura (Aoi Morikawa) tells us even more amazing facts.