The monumental robot anime "MAZINGER Z" is making a comeback as a brand new theatrical anime, 45 years after its debut! "MAZINGER Z" was born in 1972. Back then, the concept of a "pilotable robot", put forth by its author Go Nagai, was revolutionary for a robot anime, and went on to become a huge hit. From manga, TV series, movies to toys, it was also a pioneer of the media mix trend. And now, this megahit title is making a comeback as a theatrical anime, 45 years after its debut to commemorate the 50th year anniversary of Go Nagai's manga career. On October 26, a special premiere will be held at the Rome Film Festival, with official premiere coming to Japan in January. Today, we'll be covering the brand-new theatrical adaptation "MAZINGER Z", one of the most revolutionary robot anime of all time!