Azusa (Ayami Nakajo) was notorious in the school. Meanwhile, Miyuri (Kurumi Shimizu), Saaya (Seika Taketomi) and Haruto (Ryo Narita) are called by Ryoko (Mayu Matsuoka) and come to the club room of the amateur radio club. Following Ryoko who confessed that she was not Azusa who stole her final exam, everyone was surprised by her confession that she was Azusa and her childhood friend from Chisato (Aoi Morikawa) who was present with her. .. She also explains how she happened to find a hidden camera, and she says she wasn't the one who set up the camera and the bugging device. And she says that the 'criminal' may be a school official because she has her batteries and SD cards replaced on a regular basis. Ryoko asks her not to talk about cameras and bugging devices for a while because she has something to look for. The next day, Ryoko decides to install her camera in a certain place in her school.