On this episode, we are featuring the animated film "Mirai of the Future" directed by Mamoru Hosoda, which is scheduled to be released on July 20, 2018. At the Cannes Film Festival held back in May, this film was one of the 20 titles featured in the "Director's Fortnight", a particularly important section of the festival, and was screened to the world for the first time. It was also featured in the Annecy International Animation Film Festival's feature film competition. It's already scheduled to be released in more than 50 countries worldwide. Director Mamoru Hosoda is famous worldwide for animated films such as "Summer Wars", "The Boy and the Beast" and "Wolf Children", all of which delicately fuses everyday drama with fantasy to create a moving story. The story of this film is told through the eyes of its 4-year-old boy protagonist. "Mirai of the Future" has been gaining attention as an animated film of unprecedented challenge. On the program, we'll be exploring its appeal by going behind the scenes of production and by interviewing Director Mamoru Hosoda and Moka Kamishiraishi who is casting for the protagonist.