Italian chef Gino D'Acampo explores the intriguing region of Puglia - where centuries old tradition meets modern day Italy. The region is world-famous for its olive oil and Gino takes a close look at the gnarled olive trees, which have dominated the landscape for thousands of years. In the shade of an old masseria - or farmhouse - Gino dishes up a carpaccio of tender beef fillet, served with a refreshing Italian gremolata dressing and rocket salad. Gino's culinary quest continues in Puglia's capital - Bari - where he samples an innovative olive oil ice cream, however he soon finds something even more fascinating. Tucked away in one of Bari's medieval side streets, Gino discovers a group of local ladies, who spend their day skillfully and rapidly handcrafting orecchiette - or ‘little ears' - pasta. Gino is keen to learn the ancient technique, but is better at cooking the pasta than shaping it. He creates a colourful plate of orecchiette with broccoli, cherry tomatoes and chilli - simple yet exceedingly tasty. As he finishes his time in Bari, Gino heads out to the town's harbour at sunset, to see how the locals spend their evening.