Dina Merrill, David Brian and Adam West costar in the story of a wealthy, retired gambler who sends his dashing protege into action when a frightened heiress fears she will be killed, in "Murder is a Private Affair."
Kingpin Bleeck (David Brian) receives a frantic call from Aline Lincoln Bannister (Dina Merrill), an old friend, who reveals she is hiding out in a tenement district because she fears her playboy husband, Hal Bannister (Peter Adams), plans to murder her for her money.
Bleeck's right-hand man, Johnny Cinderella (Adam West)] visits Aline and subsequently learns that her prodigal husband is desperately in need of cash to pay off a big gambling debt. When Cinderella tracks down Bannister, he discovers that two out-of-town hoodlums have arrived to see Bannister about settling the debt.