The Parliament is considered the heart of Austrian democracy. Its origins date back to 1848, when it first convened under the name "Constituent Imperial Diet." The revolutionary wave of that year not only laid the foundation for Austrian parliamentarism but also freed Austrian farmers from feudal obligations. From then on, the state assumed many responsibilities previously managed by landowners, leading to the creation of Austria's civil service and the modern administrative state as we know it today.
The moving story of the unconventional revolutionary couple Alfred Becher and Karoline von Perin serves as the central thread of this episode. While the Habsburg monarchy had weathered uprisings, revolts, and conflicts before, this revolution was different. It united the confident bourgeoisie, oppressed workers, and national movements into a powerful front against the imperial court. The Habsburgs realized that this time, everything was at stake.
Hosted by Andreas Pfeifer and Mariella Gittler, directed by Christian Papke.