David Attenborough's First Life S01E01 - Arrival

David Attenborough's First Life


Attenborough's journey begins in a forest near his childhood home in Leicester, where a fossil discovery transformed our understanding of the evolution of complex life. Travelling to the fog bound coastline of Newfoundland and the Australian outback, Attenborough unearths the earliest forms of animal life to exist on Earth.

These bizarre and wonderful creatures are brought to life with the help of cutting edge scientific technology and photorealistic visual effects. From the first animal forms that moved to the first mouths that ate, these were creatures that evolved the traits and tools that allow all animals, including ourselves, to survive to this day.


  • Status: Transmitido
  • Data de Exibição: 05/11/2010
  • Duração do Episódio: 60 minutos
  • Emissora: GB BBC Two

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