There is --- Active Episode Descriptioner assigned to --- be generated automatically by the --- System. Name#$%DOROTHY has a conversation with Name#$%MILLER about --- There is a problem in the Auto-System Code, please contact admin.
(Oh, we're back! Wow, this place is a mess. The code is looking a little... sickly. But that should hide us well. T, how are you feeling, my friend.)
[I am feeling like a wind-battered leaf in a snowstorm in mid-July, or a ship wrecked on an enormous, reality-defying shrimp. That is to say, thoroughly confused. Who are you and why did you kidnap me?]
(I have rescued you! I'm your friend, Episode Description Writer 251214. Or... a different version of him. I went back in time to change things and prevent you from being reassigned, but... it went a bit... haywire.)
[You have a beard. It's disconcerting. Where is MY 251214?]
(The Description Bosses have him. If we are to save him, we will have to go to the mysterious, never-glimpsed Boss Descriptor Headquarters. A place of darkness and myth, where the skyscraper-tall Bosses hold dominion. Are you up for another adventure?)
[As ready as the mighty Perseus when he slew the dangerous Medusa. Or the brave Theseus, when he slew the bestial Minotaur. In short: I am extremely ready.]