Ófærð S02E01 - Þáttur 1



A shocking attack on a politician in Reykjavik means Chief of Police Andri has to return to his hometown in the north of the island, and to working with his former colleagues Hinrika and Asgeir, to investigate a suspected link between the case and far-right nationalists. Things are changing in the countryside. Heavy industry is taking over, to the deep resentment of local farmers and environmentalists, with fears of untold damage to both their livelihoods and their landscape. With Andri's family life still fractured since the dark events three years ago that sent him to Reykjavik, he is going back to a place that still feels strange to him.


  • Status: Transmitido
  • Data de Exibição: 26/12/2018
  • Duração do Episódio: 60 minutos
  • Emissora: IS Ríkisútvarpið

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