Kevin is finally returning from overseas with buddy Tuur and a contraband coral gift for mother Rita, who is not amused that Herman believes the lawyer whom his dumb wife Martine promised access to the firm papers at a vague promise a bankruptcy can be delayed 'for years', which is no reason to call off the second firm plan, for which Frans and Dick still need their vote. Zjang panics when he learns foppish middleman William sold multiple rifles to oriental pitta-bar owner Dingbang Xu, presumably a Chinese mob front, and resolves to get it back before his army contraband trade is found out. A first deal attempt with Frakke isn't satisfactory, he even gets threatened at home, without having made his whereabouts known. Bambi isn't available, being drunk on a home-cooked dinner with benefits at Belinda's, but she volunteers, unaware she must serve as getaway driver before the police Zjang calls arrives at the site where he throws grenades.