HELLO! Welcome to THE GEORGE LUCAS TALK SHOW, fully digital since MAY 2020! It has been a full year since our last in-person theater version of this show. PLEASE WEAR A MASK -- OR TWO! -- AND KEEP SOCIAL DISTANCING. Retired filmmaker GEORGE LUCAS (dead-eyed character actor CONNOR RATLIFF) and his talk show sidekick WATTO (co-lead on AMAZON's THE TICK, GRIFFIN NEWMAN) are joined, as always, by producer PATRICK COTNOIR (aka BACKPAT COTNOIR aka CHATTY PATTY aka HAT TRICK PATRICK) whose druthers include you following him on TWITTER: @patrickcotnoir There's a button down below that says 'SUPPORT THE SHOW' and if you would like to give a dollar or two, it would help us pay for some things that make the show funny....