This episode is a special feature on "Takao Saito", the manga artist famous for the serialization of "Onihei Hankacho" that's celebrating its 25th anniversary, and for "Golgo 13", the longest ongoing serialization in Japan that's celebrating its 50th anniversary. He is the eldest manga artist still actively putting out manga serializations, and is the pioneer of the "Gekiga" genre. "Gekiga", which saw a huge boom in Japan during the 60's, had movie like camera framing, and characters and background art with many line strokes. It had a great influence on the modern styles of manga, but in recent years, there has been a resurgence in its popularity. On this episode, we will be exploring the appeal of Takao Saito's manga by visiting his studio for an interview. Let's find out why he is so passionate about "Gekiga" and how he manages long-running serializations by the division of labor.