Big surprises lead to shocking reactions in an unexpectedly moving new episode of Bachelor in Paradise. The drama begins as a noncommittal single returns from his date with a former flame and unwanted confrontation awaits him back on the beach. Meanwhile, the next date card goes to a professional wrestler who steals one lively lady away from a handsome firefighter who was courting her just the night before. With all the mixing and matching going on, it's anyone's guess who will stay and who will go, and it's left up to the women at the first rose ceremony of the season. After pressure from her girlfriends, one frustrated friend-without-benefits tells her guy with cold feet to be all in with her or she's moving on. So, when the former NFL player decides to explore his options, his rival for her affection sees an opportunity to score major points. Who will ultimately be rewarded with this bachelorette's rose and who will say goodbye to Paradise?